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View Article  Thank you

Hi guys,


I just wanted to thank you all so much for making such a huge efoort on Saturday. It would not have been the same without you all there. You made it such a special night for us - one that we will never forget.

As you can see under wedding (to the left of the screen), we are slowly getting the photos on to the website as promised. If you have any photos you have taken, could you please send them to us so that we can post them on the website?

We are off to Ireland until the 14th August and will then be able to let you know how much money was raised for charity. Stretch (Best man) is also doing a sponsored walk for the St Josephs Hospice. We will shortly post the link for donating money for his valiant efforts too.

Many thanks once again,

Kerry x

View Article  Slight Hiccup
The Big Day approaches and guess what - I forget to pay my blog bill and everything gets wiped off. I only find out of course when one of the guests politely rings me and asks 'wheres the pub 'cos your websites crashed'. So here I am putting it all back together. In the meantime of course I have had my Stag night in Bournemouth and am barely recovering 2 days later - the photos are on the side and don't really do the day justice, but suffice to say a lot of beer was drunk and why on earth I decided to go swimming at 5.30 in the morning is anyones guess - needed a bit of freshening up I reckon! So, less than a week to go and everything is pretty much in order. All that remains is to get through the day without completely buggering up the vows or the speech! I'm very much looking forward to it, and I'll see you all there....